Books/Book Chapters
[7] F.B. Mendonca and G. Urgessa, “Special Topic II: Deflagration to Detonation: Transitions during Solid Rocket Motor Burning,” in Engineering of Solid Rocket Motors: From Production to Firing, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, June 2023, pp. 224-246.
[6] G. Urgessa, PE-Civil: Three Practice Exams for the Morning/Breadth Section, May 2019, ISBN#1097117227, KDP Publishing, 195 pages.
[5] G. Urgessa, FE-Civil Practice Questions with Detailed Solutions, March 2018, ISBN#1985675889, Createspace Publishing, 296 pages.
[4] Mahmoud Reda Taha (Editor), G. Urgessa (Contributing Editor), and Moneeb Genedy (Contributing Editor), International Congress on Polymers in Concrete (ICPIC 2018): Polymers for Resilient and Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure, Springer International Publishing, April 2018, ISBN#9783319781747.
[3] F.B. Mendonca and G. Urgessa, “Pre-Test and Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Slab Subjected to Blast from a Non-Confined Explosive,” in Energetic Materials Research, Applications, and New Technologies, IGI Global Publishing, pp. 272-287, December 2017, ISBN#1522529039.
[2] M. Casey and G. Urgessa, Rebar Cage Construction and Safety: Best Practices, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, November 2012, ISBN#0784412510.
[1] G. Urgessa, “Retrofitting using Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite for Blast Protection,” in Blast Protection of Civil Infrastructures and Vehicles using Composites, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK, April 2010, pp. 375-389, ISBN#184569399X.