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Conference Papers

[39] M. Felix da Silveira, F.B. Mendonca, G. Urgessa, and J.A.F.F. Rocco, “Reference Values for Damage Predictions of Reinforced Concrete Slabs Subjected to Blast from Field Tests,” Proceedings of the 26th Symposium of Operational Applications in Areas of Defense, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, September 2024, 6 pages, accepted.

[38] M. Rivera, S. Baily, P. Healey, T.W. Hill, T. Lopez-Bunyasi, L. McCue, and G. Urgessa “Work-in-progress: A Data Gathering Effort on STEM Versus Non-STEM Faculty for Assessing Equity in Recruitment, Retention, and Promotion at a Large R1 Institution,” The 131st American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Portland, OR, June 2024.

[37] F.B. Mendonca, G. Urgessa, M.G. Domingues, K. Iha, and J.A.F.F. Rocco, “Effects of EPS on Peak Reflected Pressure in Field Tests Involving Military Explosives,” Proceedings of the 25th Symposium of Operational Applications in Areas of Defense, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, September 2023, 5 pages.

[36] A.S. Augusto, F.B. Mendonca, G. Urgessa, J.A.F.F. Rocco and K. Iha, “Prediction of the Experimental Effects of High Explosive Blast on Steel Sheets using Finite Element Analysis,” Proceedings of the 25th Symposium of Operational Applications in Areas of Defense, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, September 2023, 6 pages.

[35] G. Urgessa and J. Esfandiari, “A Machine Learning Algorithm for Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Blast,” The 12th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Chicago, IL, August 2023.

[34] G. Urgessa and H. Haghighi, “Specific Bending Stiffness Comparison of Spherically Voided Biaxial Concrete Slabs and Solid Slabs,” The 12th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Chicago, IL, August 2023.

[33] L. McCue, G. Urgessa, T. Lopez-Bunyasi, P. Healey, P.W. Hill, J. Lester, and M. Rivera-Sanchez, “Work-in-progress: A Data Gathering Effort on STEM Faculty Startup Packages,” The 130th American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 2023.

[32] J. Sanders and G. Urgessa, “Response of Reinforced Concrete Columns Subjected to Underwater Explosions,” The 2023 Structures Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers, New Orleans, LA, May 2023, 10 pages.

[31] A.S. Augusto, F.B. Mendonca, G. Urgessa, and K. Iha, “Pre-test Input Optimization of High Explosive Blast Effects on Steel Sheets using Finite Element Analysis,” Proceedings of the 24th Symposium of Operatinal Applications in Areas of Defense, San Jose dos Campos, Brazil, September 2022, 5 pages.

[30] E. Ali and G. Urgessa, “Numerical Simulation of Functionally-Graded Material Pipes under Blast Loading,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Structural Mechanics and Applications, June 2022, 12 pages.

[29] G. Urgessa and R. Lohner, “Preliminary Efforts in Validation of FEFLO for Underwater Explosion,” The 6th International Conference on Protective Structures, April 2021 [paper accepted; conference cancelled due to covid-19].

[28] G. Urgessa, “Analysis of the State of Tenure-line Black Engineering Faculty in Research-Intensive (R1) Institutions,” The 127th American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 2020, 12 pages.

[27] M.J. Esfandiari and G. Urgessa, “A Pull-down Dynamic Analysis of Two Span Steel Frames Subjected to Progressive Collapse,” The 10th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Chicago, IL, May 2019, 6 pages.

[26] G. Urgessa, W. Ali, and M.J. Esfandiari, “Macromechanical Analysis of Spherically Voided Biaxial Concrete Slabs (SVBS),” The 10th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Chicago, IL, May 2019, 5 pages.

[25] F.B. Mendonca, G. Urgessa, L.E.N. de Almeida, K. Iha, R.J. Jachura, and J.A.F.F. Rocco, “Variation of Linear Momentum of RC Slabs in Full-Scale Field Tests with PBX,” Proceedings of the 20th Symposium of Operational Applications in Areas of Defense, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, September 2018, 4 pages.

[24] F.B. Mendonca, L.E.N. de Almeida, G. Urgessa, J.A.F.F. Rocco, R.F.B. Goncalves, and K. Iha, “Reactive Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Detonation Pressure of Plastic Explosive-PBX,” Proceedings of the 1st World Conference on Advanced Materials for Defense, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2018, 6 pages.

[23] G.S. Urgessa and M.J. Esfandiari, “Review of Polymer Coatings Used for Blast Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures,” Proceedings of the 18th International Congress on Polymers in Concrete, Washington, D.C., April 2018, pp. 713-719.

[22] J. Austin and G. Urgessa, “Structural Response Caused by Underwater Explosions,” Proceeding of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Edmond, Oklahoma, April 2018, pp. 444-452.

[21] F.B. Mendonca, G. Urgessa, K. Iha, R.J. Rocha, and J.A.F.F. Rocco, “Peak Displacement Comparison of RC Slabs from Blast Test Measurement and SDOF Analysis,” Proceedings of the 19th Symposium of Operational Applications in Areas of Defense, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, September 2017, 5 pages.

[20] H. Hardjasaputra, G. Ng, G. Urgessa, G. Lesmana, and S. Sidharta, “Performance of Lightweight Natural-fiber Reinforced Concrete,” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum, Seoul, South Korea, August 2017, 6 pp.

[19] S. Mohamadi and G. Urgessa, “Dynamic Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Polymer Composite Electric Poles,” Proceedings of the 9th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Valencia, Spain, July 2017, 6 pages.

[18] G. Ng, G. Urgessa, Y. Shifferaw, and H. Hardjasaputra, “Mechanical Properties of Coconut Fiber-Reinforced Concrete,” Proceedings of the 9th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Valencia, Spain, July 2017, 6 pages.

[17] F.B. Mendonca, G. Urgessa, and J.A.F.F. Rocco, “Blast Response of 60 MPa Reinforced Concrete Slabs Subjected to Non-Confined Plastic Explosives” Proceedings of the 2017 Structures Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers, Denver, CO, April 2017, pp. 15-26.

[16] F.B. Mendonca, J.A.F.F. Rocco, K. Iha, and G. Urgessa, “Blast Response of Reinforced Concrete Slabs with Varying Standoff and Steel Reinforcement Ratios,” Proceedings of the 42nd International Pyrotechnics Society Conference, Grand Junction, CO, July 2016 (extended abstract).

[15] G. Urgessa and S. Mohamadi, “Structural Assessment of Fiber-reinforced Polymer Composite Electric Poles,” Procedia Engineering 145, International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction, Tempe, AZ, May 2016, pp. 707-714.

[14] C. Dean, G. Urgessa, and M. Azarbayejani, “Aircraft Wing and Aerodynamic Analysis using Integrated MATLAB and STADD.Pro Models,” Proceedings of the 8th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Sydney, November 2015, pp. 405-410.

[13] R. Sobeski and G. Urgessa, “Concrete Material Flow during Projectile Penetration,” Proceedings of the 2014 Structures Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers, Boston, MA, April 2014, pp. 2048-2059.

[12] W. Ali and G. Urgessa, “Structural Capacities of Spherically Voided Biaxial Slabs (SVBS),” Proceedings of the 2014 Structures Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers, Boston, MA, April 2014, pp. 785-796.

[11] S. Fakhriyazdi and G. Urgessa, “Analysis of a Horizontally Curved I-Girder Bridge for Blast Loading,” Proceedings of the 7th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Honolulu, HI, July 2013, 7 pages.

[10] C. Maloney and G. Urgessa, “Blast Overpressure Effects on Bio-mechanical Systems,” Proceedings of the 12th International Congress and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Costa Mesa, CA, June 2012, 8 pages.

[9] P. Jenkins and G. Urgessa, “Probabilistic Mechanics of Explosive Fragmentation,” Proceedings of the 12th Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics, January 2012, 6 pages.

[8] C. Chuk, G. Urgessa, and H. Thippeswamy, “Numerical Analysis of Stresses for Cured-In-Place-Pipe (CIPP) Linings,” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Fluid Structure Interaction, Orlando, FL, May 2011, pp. 283-294.

[7] M. Cruz and G. Urgessa, “Numerical Evaluation of Mode-II Delamination in Layered Fiber-reinforced Composites,” The 4th Annual Virginia-North Carolina LSAMP Research Symposium, Charlottesville, VA, April 2011, 12 pages.

[6] G. Urgessa, “Finite Element Analysis of Two-dimensional Strain Consolidation under Foundation Loads,” Proceedings of the 16th US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (extended abstract), State College, PA, July 2010, 2 pages.

[5] G. Urgessa and T. Arciszewski, “Structural Behavior of Steel Frame Connections Subjected to Blast,” Proceedings of the 5th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Las Vegas, NV, September 2009, pp. 363-368.

[4] M. Casey, G. Urgessa, and M. Venigalla, “Re-examining the Core Computational Skill Set of Civil Engineering Undergraduates,” American Society of Engineering Education Middle Atlantic Section Spring Conference, Baltimore, MD, April 2009, 9 pages.

[3] G. Urgessa and A. Maji, “Blast Response of Carbon-fiber Reinforced Masonry Walls,” Proceedings of the 5th Society for Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR, June 2006, 9 pages.

[2] G. Urgessa and A. Maji, “Blast Test and Analysis of Carbon-fiber Reinforced Masonry Walls,” Proceedings of the 23rd Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, May 2006, 8 pages.

[1] G. Urgessa, A. Maji and J. Brown, “Analysis and Testing of Blast Effects on Walls Strengthened with GFRP and Shotcrete,” Proceedings of the 50th International Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering Symposium and Exhibition, Long Beach, CA, May 2005, pp. 1135-1144.

     Office Location: 2222 Nguyen Engineering Building     |     Office Phone: (703) 993-1658     |     E-mail: gurgessa[at]gmu[dot]edu

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